Call of duty world war 2 guns
Call of duty world war 2 guns

The best division for the Type 100 is airborne as it lets you move faster and reload more quickly helping you get close to enemies. To reduce the recoil whilst aiming down the sights use the grip attachment. The quickdraw attachment to the Type 100 lets you aim down the sights faster, which means you can take advantage of the Type 100’s accuracy even when you are surprised by enemies. You will also need to be able to reload quickly to dispatch enemies in quick succession. You will want to be close to enemies, preferably where they don’t expect you to be.

call of duty world war 2 guns call of duty world war 2 guns

Aiming down the sights of the Type 100 makes it easier to kill enemies due to the low fire rate which makes hip fire weaker. The Type 100 submachine gun in Call of Duty: WW2 is a versatile machine gun that is strong at medium and close range, although it is disadvantaged to some submachine guns at close range.

Call of duty world war 2 guns